Microsuction Ear Wax Removal

Using the latest micro-suction technology, our specialists will quickly, safely, and effectively remove ear wax build up.

You may benefit from ear wax removal if you have...


Earache is a common cause of compacted earwax as it puts pressure on the eardrum and ear canals.


Commonly a phantom noise presenting as a ringing / buzzing or humming sound in one or both ears.


This can be a spinning / dizzy sensation that can affect your balance.

Blocked Ears

Sensation of fullness in the ear is a common cause of compacted ear wax as it causes a change of pressure in your ear and surrounding anatomy.

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Answers to some frequently asked questions

Ear wax is produced by the ear to clean and protect itself. It’s secreted by glands in the skin that line the outer half of your ear canals. The wax and tiny hairs in these passages trap dust and other foreign particles that could damage deeper structures, such as your eardrum.

An Ear canal blocked up with ear wax can cause infections, earaches, deafness, a sensation of fullness in the ear, tinnitus and other problems. It’s important to get your ears checked regularly by a trained and experienced professional to preform an ear health check.

It’s incredibly dangerous to stick anything inside your ears as it can damage deeper structures. Additionally foreign objects inside the ear will only push the wax further into your ear canals and causing compaction. We always recommend to use natural methods such as Olive oil drops or other drops recommended by a medical professional.


If you do get a build up of ear wax, visit us in store where our highly trained specialist can assess your hearing and check inside your ears for wax build up. If you require wax removal, you’ll be advised to use olive oil ear drops for 3 days prior to having the wax removed. Please use these drops twice a day.


Anyone over 16 can benefit from our ear wax removal service – just book in for an appointment and you’ll be hearing better in no time!


For the majority of our customers, Ear wax removal doesn’t cause any pain and can actually be quite a satisfying experience! However we always want to ensure our patients do feel at ease. If your uncomfortable at any point, you’ll be asked if you’d like to take a break or to re-arrange your appointment so that it can give you some time to settle.


If you do get a build up of ear wax, visit your GP or local medical practitioner to have it checked out. You’ll often be advised to use ear drops to loosen your ear wax. Generally you’ll apply these drops morning and night for three days prior to your appointment. However you should follow advised instructions provided by your pharmacist.